
 Bro. Marlin Roberts – LTGILMER Missions Director

Life Tabernacle actively supports both Foreign and Home Missions.

Foreign Missions involvement consist of monthly pledges that go to Missionaries on foreign fields, and projects that they need funding for.

Home Missions involvement includes monthly financial support to Home Missionaries in North America and “Church in a Day” project that is sponsored by the Texas District UPCI. You can donate your skills or finances to help build a church in a single day.

Life Tabernacle currently supports 14 global missionaries and the Bible School in Thailand.

We invite you to join us in praying for our missionaries!

Missionary Leonard Richardson – Taiwan, Asia

In 1987 Leonard and Ping-Lan Richardson’s month-long vacation to visit her relatives in Taiwan led to her family’s salvation and the founding of a village church. In 1990 he resigned his pastorate in Bethany, Missouri, and returned with his family to Taiwan as associates in missions. As an AIMer in Taiwan, Richardson started and pastored two churches, taught home Bible studies, reached out to surrounding villages by starting Sunday schools, and helped missionary Tom Bracken whenever possible. The Richardsons received their appointment as UPCI missionaries to Taiwan in September 1994. He pastors in Nantz, started a work in Tainan, and is involved in prison ministry. He stated, “We make it a point to help the saints to mature in the Spirit. I do not stress evangelism but spiritual growth. It is the laws of nature for the mature to produce after its kind.”

JC and Darlene Magallanes – Missionary, Africa, Angola, Namibia

JC and Darlene met in 1999 and were married in 2002. They are both third and sixth-generation Apostolic. JC and Darlene both graduated from CSTI and served as senior pastors before being called to the mission field. Under the Short-Term Missions program the Magallanes’ served six months in Nigeria and seventeen months in Namibia. During their time in Lagos, Nigeria, they helped the church navigate through the COVID lockdowns. They helped to establish the first online Bible school in Africa, and ministered weekly with teaching, preaching, and leading worship via zoom. In Namibia, they worked in the northern part of the country close to the border of Angola. There, they established several preaching points in different villages and baptized many in Jesus’ name, including some trinitarian pastors and their congregations.

The Magallanes have received missionary appointment to the countries of Namibia and Angola, where they will be involved in the national work in both countries, establish a Bible school, visit existing churches, and villages to preach, teach, disciple, strengthen and encourage them in their faith. In addition to this, they will mentor and train existing ministers in Namibia and Angola.

Mark and Bethany Harris – Missionary, Asia, Japan, South Asia

Mark and Bethany evangelized full-time for over eleven years and then pastored more than fourteen years in Wisconsin. There he also served as evangelist coordinator. They are originally from the Arkansas District. After serving as an AIMer for eighteen months in Bangladesh and India, and an Associate Missionary for three and a half years, they were appointed as intermediate missionaries to Japan/South Asia. They have assisted by teaching Purpose Institute for six months and helping to establish children’s ministries.

The Harris family received their appointment to AIM in 2013. In 2014, they arrived in Bangladesh, where they taught Bible studies, taught Purpose Institute, and traveled to India to do evangelistic ministry. In 2015, they moved to India, where they worked with the General Superintendant of the North East India UPC, taught in Bible colleges, taught leadership seminars, preached children’s camps, youth camps, revivals and conference meetings. They have traveled to many countries in Asia, doing Apostolic ministry, teaching, preaching, training, and discipling believers. The Harrises have been privileged to see many miracles, and over 5,000 have received the Holy Ghost in their ministry worldwide.

Jim and Latitia Robertson – Missionary, Pacific, Philippines

Jim and Latitia received their career missionary appointment in 2002. Their missionary journey started in Africa, went through Europe, and in 2016 landed them in the Philippine Islands. The Robertsons minister on many different levels throughout the nation. Their primary task is working alongside quality staff in several of the Bible schools. Jim is the President of Apostolic Institute of Ministries. He also serves on the National Executive Board as well as doing extensive ministering throughout the islands, preaching conferences and teaching seminars. Latitia teaches in the Bible schools and works with the Ladies Ministries as well as the youth. Believing that an important factor to great revival is the development of great leaders, leadership development is a vital part of their ministry.

Joey and Cristina
Bir – Missionary, South America, Chile


The Birs were appointed as missionaries to Paraguay in 2007, where they served in various capacities until 2019. Joey Bir served as a pastor, Bible school instructor, national treasurer, and national president for eight years, while Cristina Bir worked in the ladies and children’s ministry, and also served as the Children’s Ministry Director for several years. In 2019, God called the Birs to Chile, where they currently live in the capital city of Santiago and travel the country preaching and teaching, as well as teaching in the Bible school.

Missionary Mokhles Sedra – International Regional Evangelist

Robert and Sheri Moses – Missionary, Europe/Middle East, Russia, Estonia

Robert and Sheri Moses were born and reared in Illinois. He came into the church at the age of 14 under Jack Jenkins’s ministry in Toledo, Illinois. She, a third-generation Pentecostal, grew up in the small town of McClure and came to the Lord at the age of seven. They have been married for 25 years. During that time, they were involved in the ministry of Calvary Tabernacle, Toledo. In 1995, they began a home missions church in Marshall, Illinois. In 2000, God called them to go as AIM workers to Russia where they began working under the direction of William Turner in Moscow in summer 2001. After answering the call of God to Russia, God blessed their home with an adorable baby boy, Robert “Anthony,” on January 12, 2001. In the 2002 General Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, they were appointed as intermediate missionaries to Russia and have since become career missionaries. They have worked primarily in the city of Moscow to establish a strong church in a city of close to thirty million people. They have worked as pastor, Bible school teacher and as Revival By Design area coordinator.

Missionary Michael & Ivonne Walmer, Uruguay, South America

As a young teenager, Michael Walmer accompanied his parents to Brazil. He began his ministry in 1979 as a youth leader in the district headquarters church. He married Ivonne González in 1984, and they founded the church in Rio Grande, in extreme southern Brazil. In 1986 he took a pastorate in Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul. After eight years as an AIMer, Walmer and his family returned to the States in 1990 to attend Bible school. He and his wife received their missionary appointment in October 1992. He graduated from Christian Life College the following June. After completing deputation, the Walmers pioneered a new work in Recife on Brazil’s northeastern tropical coast. In just a few short years they saw the work develop to 12 active churches and pastors, along with a Bible school program. In May 2006, the Foreign Missions Board approved the Michael Walmers’ transfer to Uruguay.

Keith and Beth Ikerd – Missionary, Africa, Namibia

Keith and Beth Ikerd served as assistant pastor in Longview, Washington, for five years before going to Namibia as Associates In Missions workers. In Namibia they taught Bible school students and visited remote preaching points, establishing one new church and property. After two years in Namibia, they served in Bophuthatswana as intermediate missionaries where they had the oversight of the work of the late Sister Wilma Nix.

Upon returning to the States, they settled in the great land of Alaska serving under Pastor Glover for thirteen years. In 2011 they received missionary appointment to Namibia, the land of their calling.

The Ikerds have served in missions a total of twelve years. They currently have nine churches and four satellite Bible schools. He serves as the superintendent of Namibia. Their goal upon returning to Namibia is to build up the pastors and young ministers, in order to establish more preaching points and churches all across this vast nation. The Ikerds will also endeavor to influence with the gospel the many people from the country of Angola who travel into Namibia. There is currently no resident missionary in Angola.

Jared and Jeanna Driggers – Missionary, Europe, Spain

Jared and Jeanna both grew up in the Indiana District and met on a Youth on Missions trip to Trinidad and Tobago when they were teenagers. Jared graduated from Indiana Bible College and Jeanna graduated from Indiana University with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. They married in 2012 and served faithfully as youth pastors at their local church for the next five years. In 2017 they arrived in Barcelona, Spain, as part of the Associates In Missions program, and began serving as pastors of the English-speaking church in Barcelona, while also working as part of the ministry team at Los Pentecostales de Barcelona. Through two and a half years serving in Spain, they have fulfilled various duties including: planting a daughter-work church in the neighboring city of El Prat; construction work in area daughter work churches; preaching and teaching in Spanish; teaching at the Bible Institute in Barcelona; serving as Regional Missions Director for their region in Spain; serving in music ministry; serving as secretary-treasurer of the church in Barcelona and its daughter work churches. Jared and Jeanna received their missionary appointment in 2020. They plan to return to Spain and continue working in the Bible Institute, helping establish churches in the northeast region of Spain and furthering the work throughout the nation.

Luke and Samantha Campbell – Missionary, Central America/Caribbean, Costa Rica

The Campbells received their missionary appointment to Costa Rica in 2016. Arriving in San José in 2018, they immediately got involved in ministry. Luke preaches and ministers on a weekly basis, works with the National Board to ensure the needs of the work are fulfilled, and is heavily involved in new church construction projects. He is also the Director of Global Campus Ministries for Central America and the Caribbean. Samantha is the national Sunday school director, is greatly involved with the Ladies Ministry team, and works with the National Network of Prayer for Costa Rica. When returning to the field they will be working at the Bible school and providing training seminars for the students. Costa Rica is experiencing great revival with seeing church growth, souls being baptized in Jesus Name, and people being filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost on a weekly basis. To God be the glory!

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Life Tabernacle Of Gilmer